Thursday, September 3, 2009

My first real post

This post is going to be a generalized summary of a bunch of crap, so be warned:

First.... lets all give johnbaku a round of applause (sorry theatre background) for the amazing work being done on the site.... i help with what i can when i can, but i love the site, and i've heard so many wonderful things about it, and he deserves a lot of recognition. Good Work John.... keep it up!!! (literally..hahah shouldnt' be hard with some of these perverts' pictures :) )

Second.....I have just recently wrote two (sorry they're long) blogposts on (the fetlife fetblog). i was goign to write them here, but figured that because they were both so long, it might be easier to just send you guys in that direction. So...go check it out, one's fun, one's a little more serious. And PLEASE comment, or message me with anythig you have to say, i'm a sucker for feedback :)

Third...if ANY of you need ANYTHING, unfortunatley i'm not the developer johnbaku is, but i'm more than willing to help in other ways (had an e-mail about finding toys) (had another one for advice).... feel free to hit me up with anything you'd like...regarding the site or not....

And i think that's it for my first post..... Hope you guys all had a great weekend, and well...a good monday.... and hope to hear from y'all soon...

OH OH.... i'll be podcasting with Johnbaku tomorrow night..check it out at!!!